Fraunhofer IML validation
In 2023 Onit obtained the Fraunhofer IML validation for On.Plant/TMS. The important German research institute, part of the largest applied research organization in Europe (Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft), has certified the quality of the software that allows the planning and optimization of shipments, enables tracking of trips in real-time and facilitates communications within the transport network.
What is Time Slot Booking or Time Slotting? Time Slot Booking (also shortened as Time Slotting) is the service to provide customers possible time slots to book via Internet. Thanks to internet and e-commerce, this service has become a crucial element in improving user experience for service providers and e-tailers (for home delivery or pickup point). Additional aspects are to have different prices per time slot, e.g., depending on expected forecast (called dynamic pricing) and the flexibility to change the delivery address, e.g. from home to pick-up point or vice versa. Why use Time Slot Booking? Home delivery, as well as the combination with pick-up point or store (for returns) is growing rapidly for various sectors, like food and non-food goods, for which time slot booking with dynamic pricing as a service is a must. But also for all kind of services, like installations, inspections, maintenance jobs the booking of time slots and follow-up during execution is a necessity. How to use Time Slot Booking? Time slot booking is executed by asking an optimizer engine to return extremely fast which time slots are available, and the associated cost or prices, based on the actual and forecasted bookings. For this the engine calculates the actual or expected work load over the day, and/or per region.
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The aim of a time slot booking-system is mainly to avoid waiting time at the loading or unloading place. A freight forwarder or driver who wants to unload cargo at a supermarket, for example, must book a time via a portal (time slot booking-system). In the portal you can see which times are still free at the unloading place and can be booked (e.g. 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.). The driver should arrive as punctually as possible. Short waiting time can occur. If the driver cannot make it on time, because of a traffic jam or an accident, he has to book a new time. It is similar to aircraft dispatching. Airlines have "time slots" in which a flight must take place. Otherwise, the time slot expires and they must face harsh penalties.
Some truck visits are assigned Priority 1 irrespective of their punctuality. The transport movements, which are to be registered via TR02, are as follows:
Special slot classes are set up by the terminals as and when necessary and can only be booked by haulage companies once the terminals have given them the go-ahead. For dangerous goods containers of the above classes, the haulage company is already in contact with the terminal and can register the need. In other cases, communication takes place via the ship owner or directly with HHLA, if they are responsible for the repositioning of the ship.
As soon as the special slot class has been set up and released for the haulage company, the TR02 pre-announcement can and should be made. Care should be taken here to ensure that the special slot class is specified in the TR02.
Please note that the special slot classes are intended exclusively for the cases mentioned here and may not be used elsewhere. Misuse of these slot classes may result in restrictions on the use of TR02.
Booking fee dalam Kamus Dunia Property Real Estate di Indonesia, Maka Booking fee merupakan kata kata yang sering digunakan oleh para pelaku industri properti baik developer properti maupun makelar broker properti. Meskipun kata kata tersebut jarang sekali dimengerti Sebagian Banyak Orang pada umumnya.
Booking fee adalah Dalam dunia KPR, booking fee adalah bukti keseriusan pembeli untuk membeli rumah. Dengan membayar booking fee atau dalam istilah lain “Uang Tanda Jadi”, calon pembeli berhak memilih kaveling dan developer berkewajiban memblokir kaveling tersebut dari penawaran pihak lain. Dengan memblokir kaveling dari penawaran pihak lain, pihak developer dirugikan jika nantinya calon pembeli membatalkan pembeliannya. Sebagai konsekuensinya, booking fee biasanya hangus dan menjadi hak developer.
Penggunaan makna istilah Booking fee sendiri dalam industri properti adalah biaya yang dibayarkan oleh calon penyewa atau pembeli properti sebagai tanda jadi atau jaminan bahwa mereka serius dalam niat mereka untuk menyewa atau membeli properti tersebut. Ini umumnya merupakan sejumlah uang yang dibayarkan kepada agen properti atau pemilik properti untuk mengamankan properti sebelum transaksi sebenarnya dilakukan. Booking fee tidak selalu diterapkan dalam semua transaksi properti, dan kebijakan dan besaran booking fee dapat bervariasi.
Penggunaan makna booking fee dalam industri properti adalah untuk:
Semoga penjelasan definisi kosakata Booking fee dapat menambah wawasan serta pengetahuan anda dalam berkomunikasi secara lisan atau tertulis.
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